Update a purchase receipt
id - ID |
Id of the purchase receipt |
mutation UpdatePurchaseReceipt($id: ID!, $input: PurchaseReceiptInput!) {
UpdatePurchaseReceipt(id: $id, input: $input) {
"id": 100009,
"input": {
"shipping_cost": 11.5
"data": {
"UpdatePurchaseReceipt": {
"id": 100009,
"shipping_cost": 11.5
Delete the purchase receipt
id - ID |
Id of the purchase receipt |
mutation DeletePurchaseReceipt($id: ID!) {
DeletePurchaseReceipt(id: $id)
"data": {
"DeletePurchaseReceipt": true
id - Int |
Unique identifier of the purchase receipt |
label - String |
Title of the purchase receipt |
total_units - Float |
Total units of the purchase receipt |
status - Enum |
Status of the purchase receipt (enum values : pending, cancelled, delivered, unpublished). |
dated_at - Date |
Date of the purchase receipt |
created_at - DateTime |
Creation date of the purchase receipt |
shipping_at - Date |
Date the shipping is planned |
shipping_cost - Float |
Shipping costs of the purchase receipt |
supplier - SupplierInput - Subquery |
Supplier of the purchase receipt |
line_items - LineItemInput - Subquery |
List of the line items of the purchase receipt |