API Reference

The API allows you to filter precisely on the results you need. Every entities has its own parameters available and you can find those parameters in each entities documentation.

You can add your conditions to your plural queries using the wherekey in your queries:

    where: {
      column: LABEL
      operator: EQ
      value: "Glover"
  ) {
    data {

You can then start to write more complexe queries with AND and OR groups.

    where: {
        OR: [
                column: LABEL, 
                operator: EQ, 
                value: "Bauch" 
                column: LABEL, 
                operator: EQ, 
                value: "Glover" 
        AND: [
                column: ACTIVE, 
                operator: EQ, 
                value: true 
                OR: [
                        column: UPDATED_AT, 
                        operator: GTE, 
                        value: "2023-12-25 00:00:00" 
                        column: CREATED_AT, 
                        operator: GTE, 
                        value: "2023-12-25 00:00:00" 
  ) {
    data {

The following operators are available:

EQChecks if the given column is equal to the given value.
NEQChecks if the given column is different to the given value.
GTChecks if the given column is greater than the given value.
GTEChecks if the given column is greater or equal to the given value.
LTChecks if the given column is lower than the given value.
LTEChecks if the given column is lower or equal to the given value.
INChecks if the given column is equal to at least one value in the given array of values.
NOT_INChecks if the given column is different to all values in the given array of values.
LIKEChecks if the given column of type string contains the given value as a substring.
NOT_LIKEChecks if the given column of type string doesn't contains the given value as a substring.
BETWEENChecks if the given column is set between the two given values.
NOT_BETWEENChecks if the given column isn't set between the two given values.
IS_NULLChecks if the given column is null.
NOT_IS_NULLChecks if the given column isn't null.